0244s Virgin of Three Hands.

0244 Virgin of The Three Hands

19th cent. 35.5×29.5x2cms.

The legend of The Virgin Of The Three Hands, “Troeruchirsa”, arose in the 8th cent. when Joseph of Damascus was tortured for his faith. Refusing to recant, his hand was severed at the wrist. Before fainting, Joseph prayed to The Virgin for his hand to be restored, which on his recovery, it had been.  As a mark of gratitude, Joseph commission a silver hand to be made which he placed by the Virgin , the first votive offering to be recorded. Later, icongrapher’s included the event with an image of the Virgin and thereby created the icon “Virgin of Three Hands”.

The icon is written on a slightly bowed board. It has two tightly held shponki. Workshop graffiti is scratched on the reverse.