0614 Presentation of Christ; 19th cent.; 37.8x29.5
x2.5;      £1150

0614 The Presentaion of Christ at the Temple.


19th cent. 37.8×29.5×2.5 cms.

The Virgin accompanied by St Joseph and Her mother St Anne take the Christ Child to Temple. Here He is received by St Simeon. The icon in all probability was commissioned to mark the Christening of a child which orthodoxy insisted should be accomplished wihin 7 days of birth. The commissioners placed their own imprint on the icon by adding St Anne and St Peter the Athonite to the decoration on the margin.   Perhaps the presence of both Saints could reflect some grim humour on the part of the commissioners. St Anne was widely help to help women during pregnancy and the presence of St Peter of Athos would suggest a strong element of asceticism.